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What is


Foot Health feet massage pressure relief

Reflexology is a relaxing, complementary therapy that aims to optimise both physical and emotional health.


Reflexology is used to help maintain the body’s natural state of wellbeing. It is an ancient therapy which may promote healing, relaxation, improve wellbeing and vitality


Reflexology can be helpful to anyone, regardless of age. Reflexology is a safe, non-intrusive holistic therapy. The whole person is treated, not just the list of symptoms, leaving clients feeling relaxed with an increased wellbeing – good for both body and mind.


I use a technique called Clinical Duopody reflexology. It is a technique where two (duo) feet (pody) are worked simultaneously and methodically exactly reflecting each organ and system within the body. Working each system in this way means that I can develop a treatment plan specific to the needs of the individual client.

Practioners consider the foot to be a reflective map of the body and the reflexologist works by massaging and stimulating these points.


The aim of reflexology is to bring about a deep state of relaxation, a sense of balance and to stimulate the body’s own healing process.

Reflexology is suitable for all ages and may bring relief from a wide range of acute and chronic conditions offering:


  • Increased relaxation

  • Stress and tension reduction

  • Improved sleep

  • Ease digestive disorders

  • Increased well being

  • Increase energy levels

  • Menstrual and hormonal imbalances

  • Strengthen the immune system


Many find it useful to help maintain health and general well-being and also for calming the mind and body, therefore counteracting stress.

Reflexology does not claim to prescribe, diagnose or cure illness and professional medical advice should always be sought.

How does it


Escape from Stress Wellbeing Energy Levels Menstrual Hormonal

"Escape from stress and

invigorate your spirit"

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